Friday, April 29, 2011

Quit Harassing Facebook Friends!

...And I shall do so, by BLOG RANTING!....Which technically is much the same...except for the fact that folks can much more easily chose to ignore this.

So, the toilet's broken and the tub gargles every time it flushes...#($%^&*( great.

The cats keep knocking crap off of the desk, while I'm sucluded in the inner sanctum I call "the bathroom." *sigh* ...Once I get a REAL apartment, I can at least call a "bedroom" an "office." In other news, my spelling has gotten WORSE as the night progresses...Wait, it's morning, is it not?

Good morning, Vietnam!! That's precisely what's going on inside my laptop right now!! The poor fan's spent the better part of two hours belting out the most wretched tune...sounds as if it's going to launch into orbit at any given point in time.

...Where are we sitting? --> Frame 85 / 108. On a lighter note, even when Maya CRASHES, the rendering process continues. FTW!

...I'm going to create a sign while I wait...the bathroom will now officially be known as "the Bat Cave..." and this laptop kinda' sounds like a Batmobile...although it's kind of taking me places, only too bloody slowly to acknowledge X|

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