Thursday, January 27, 2011

Six of One, Half a Dozen of the Other...

I've spent much of the past few years pondering just how "accomplished" I appear to be. It's only me who feels this way; it's no matter if others don't accept this or understand it: who really knows your life as you do?

The more I get to know other feel, I feel pale in comparison with their accomplishments. Who's comparing? And more importantly, why do I feel the need to compare my intelligence to someone else?

The answer is simple: compatibility, acceptance. Not everyone is going to be compatible with me and I need to accept this. On the other hand, I'm only being a snob by just letting opportunities slip by me, by not even trying.

...This speaking in cryptic is not very "me" at all. To ask or not to ask...such is the conundrum we stand to face. I can argue this eight ways from Sunday!!

1) Better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all (a little much, but hot in the positive aspects).
2) If you don't try, then you'll never know.
3) Actions speak louder than words: once the deed is done, then the next part of this puzzle can either be put to rest or progress.

*Think*Think*Think* I think far too much for my own good.

When is the best time to stop thinking and to just act? It's important to think before you act...

In closing, what needs to be addressed is the general hierarchy of the situation - while this is important to only me, without acting, nothing will change in anyone's world. Where do I see this as a priority in my own life? Can I make time for the potential stresses that may follow? How realistic are my motives? And why does blogging feel as if I'm just talking to myself? (Hehehehe!)

If nothing else, I stand true to this one inspiring notion: that in life, there are no right or wrong answers. We will make our decisions based on what we feel is best for us. "Nothing ventured, nothing gained," have truer words ever been spoken? I fear only the potential of what could come from this: that being, "nothing sacrificed, nothing lost."

I would answer this, myself, using an "if" operator...only "if" I could receive a solid TRUE or FALSE. Hahaha..I'm enjoying my scripting classes; I like coding so much, I'm contemplating taking it as a major instead of 3D Animation.

..I need to do something fun to relax my brain tonight...