Tuesday, August 4, 2009

.:What Do You LOVE?!:.

For quite a few years, I've been riding a spiral down the path of experiencing life - more often than not, I have found myself "try" something, and "keep doing it," all because other people were telling me "just how great it was." The more I kept doing that, the years went by, and I woke up one day feeling empty--not just in a sad, desolate way--I absolutely couldn't remember the last time it was that I did something that I absolutely enjoyed doing because I love doing it - for the past few years, I've been getting into different hobbies as a means of making extra money or because someone else thought that this was a great hobby, you should do this, too.

Do you know what apathy means? When I finally woke up from this spiral, I realized I wasn't doing anything I loved; I'd completely jumped off of my path, if you will, and started living through other people's karmic experiences.

Tonight, for peace of mind, I cannot think of a better blog post, than to start listing things that I love - selflessly - not being they make money or help me ignore reality - but things that I truly love:

  • my cats
  • video games! *currently going through PS1 - Chrono Cross
  • computers
  • food -especially meal items and simple things like cheese & crackers!
  • my mother & my sister
  • dolls - when it comes to paper dolls or character sketches, I just adore graphically or manufacture created people!
  • miniatures - they say "size doesn't matter" ha - to me, the coolest things in the world are smaller than coin!
  • cartoons - whether it's an old favorite or a cutely drawn character online - I love all comics, in all different styles!
  • drawing/sketching - at the end of the day, I might not be a Disney-quality-graphic-artist, but I'm the best cartoonist I know! When you can create cute masterpieces from thought, pencil and from out of thin air, there's something truly magnificent about the it - art "just is"
  • Learning - I absolutely adore learning new things! . . . *I often wonder if this is why I am pushing myself so hard to get into college?! There are many things a person can learn in life!

That's good enough for tonight :-) I hope to add more very soon as well . . . in the mean time, why not make your own list?

"Make a list of postive aspects. Makes lists of things you love--and never complain about anything. And as you use those things that shine bright and make you feel good as your excuse to give your attention, and be who-you-are, you will tune to who-you-are, and the whole world will begin to transform before your eyes." --Abraham

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